This number tells you how much CloseView magnifies your display when magnification is turned on. This area displays information about CloseView abbreviations for the Option and Command key combinations. These symbols tell you that you can increase or decrease magnification by holding down the Command and Option keys while pressing the “+” or “-” keys. The symbols are dimmed because the keyboard shortcuts are turned off. These symbols tell you that you can increase or decrease magnification by holding down the Command and Option keys while pressing the “+” or “-” keys. To control how much CloseView magnifies your display, click these arrows. These symbols tell you that you can turn magnification on and off by holding down the Command and Option keys while pressing the “X” key. The symbols are dimmed because the keyboard shortcuts are turned off. These symbols tell you that you can turn magnification on and off by holding down the Command and Option keys while pressing the “X” key. When this button is selected, magnification is turned off. To turn CloseView magnification off, click this button. When this button is selected, magnification is turned on. To turn CloseView magnification on, click this button. When this button is selected, keyboard shortcuts are turned off. Keyboard shortcuts allow you to turn CloseView’s features on and off using keys on your keyboard. To turn the CloseView keyboard shortcuts off, click this button. Keyboard shortcuts allow you to turn CloseView’s features on and off using keys on your keyboard. When this button is selected, keyboard shortcuts are turned on. Keyboard shortcuts allow you to turn CloseView’s features on and off using keys on your keyboard. To turn the CloseView keyboard shortcuts on, click this button. Keyboard shortcuts allow you to turn CloseView’s features on and off using keys on your keyboard. When this button is selected, your monitor is set to display white on black (inverted display). On a colour monitor, the colours on your screen are inverted. To set your monitor to display white on black (inverted display), click this button. On a colour monitor, clicking this button inverts the colours on your screen. When this button is selected, your monitor is set to display black on white (normal display). To set your monitor to display black on white (normal display), click this button. These symbols tell you that you can turn CloseView on and off by holding down the Command and Option keys while pressing the “K” key. When this button is selected, CloseView is turned off. To turn CloseView off, click this button. When this button is selected, CloseView is turned on. You use CloseView to magnify an area of the screen. To turn CloseView on, click this button. You use CloseView to magnify an area of the screen.